Beyond borders: the human stories behind immigration

One of the most significant phenomena of the modern era is undoubtedly immigration. But what does that truly mean? A quick online search defines immigration as “the movement of individuals or groups who leave their country of birth and/or citizenship to settle in another, either temporarily or permanently.”

The harsh reality is that in our society, immigration is often reduced to numbers, statistics, and laws. But behind those figures are real people, with faces, dreams, and hopes that are frequently overlooked or ignored.

We must stop seeing others as strangers simply because they look different from us. How can someone’s skin color determine their worth? Why should anyone have the power to make decisions about millions of lives based on shallow and unfounded prejudices?

These are human lives, with profound stories shaped by war, crises, and the desire to build better futures for their families. Consider the complexity of uprooting yourself—leaving everything behind for an uncertain future—just to provide better opportunities for those with so little, born into parts of the world already ravaged by hardship.

When immigration is discussed on television, the focus is almost always on one thing: the number of immigrants. But is it right to prioritize the quantity of people over their dignity?

Last year, I had the opportunity to watch the film Io Capitano directed by Matteo Garrone, which tells the story of two young men embarking on a journey to Europe in pursuit of their dreams. It was not an easy film to watch. Even through a screen, seeing what happens to those who dream of freedom but encounter only death along the way is deeply unsettling.

We ignore this issue daily, reducing immigration to its economic impact on Italy. But what about those who have risked everything, only to face discrimination for daring to dream?

When we talk about immigration, we shouldn’t see it as a threat, but rather as evidence of the resilience and determination of the human spirit—of people willing to fight for a dignified life, no matter the cost.

By Alexandra Georgiana Dervisan 5^G


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